Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First blog!

Ok, this is my first attempt at this, so please bear with me.  This blog is going to cover a plethora of things: food, sex, books, music, life, feminism, fat politics, etc.  I hope that you guys enjoy everything I have to share and have to say.  Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, etc.

Currently, I'm reading a biography of Harvey Milk.  I'm not very far into it, but so far, it's pretty good.  Ever since seeing the movie Milk, I've been curious about him and his life.  Politics are a hobby of mine, and for someone to be brave and enter the public area like that, I give them mad props.


  1. I'm your first follower, I feel so special! Make it worth my while lady! :)

  2. I definitely will You can count on that!
